Gabriela Aguilera

Front-end developer

From Mexico trending_flat based in Limburg, Netherlands


My work

world clock app

This app is a world clock that gives the exact real time from different time zones. The main component from it is javascript (js moment)

AI vegan recipes generator

This app helps you to create easy and tasty vegan recipes with the ingredients that you have available at home. The app is powered by AI.

forecast app

This is a weather forecast app that shows real information about a lot of different cities in the world. The app works thanks to its javascript development.

lisbon informative app

This responsive website informs us about the nice city of Lisbon. It contains embeded instagram images and is made out of responsive JQueries.

dictionary app

This React.js app helps us finding the meaning of a word, the phonetics, synonyms examples and even images.

About me

Born and raised in Mexico City, I have always been an enthusiast of graphics and bringing my ideas to life. I studied design and visual communication at the FAD (Facultad de Artes y Diseño), a small school part of the UNAM located in the south part of Mexico City. I moved to Germany after graduating from University and started a journey to find myself and figure out what I would like to do for a living. In Cologne or Köln I got to connect with another creative people, such as artists, musicians and web designers.
This people gave me indeed a lot of perspective about the creative world, career options and the market job and inspired me to get into web development. The journey of learning coding hasn’t been easy but it’s been very gratifying. I left Germany after a while to relocate in the Netherlands, more specifically near the nice city of Maastricht. My hobbies are mostly related to artistic/cultural activities, but I also love doing yoga, rollerskating and of course going out to drink a good cup of matcha.

Contact me

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My coding playlist